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Couple & Family



Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare provider and I do not provide healthcare services. 


About me

How can I help

In my practice, I am dedicated to providing high quality therapeutic services to individuals, couples and families in need. I have background in psychology, couple & family therapy, and human resources management.
I am happily married and have a little girl and a baby boy.  


2014 - 2016 Master’s degree in Couple and Family therapy, University of Kentucky, KY, USA

2008 - 2013 Master’s degree in Psychology, Masaryk University, Brno, CZE


  • 2023: Psychotherapy of Trauma (P. Odstrcil) - Prague, CZE (56 hrs)

  • 2017 - 2023 a complex Gestalt integrative psychotherapy training, Instep, Prague, CZE (a total of over 2000 hours including self-experience, client contact, methodology, group and individual supervision)

  • 2021 Core Skills in Emotionally focused therapy (Dr. R. Jorgensen, ICEFT & TRI EFT) online from Dallas, TX (48 hrs) 

  • ​2018 Externship in Emotionally focused couple therapy (Dr. R. Jorgensen, ICEEFT & TRI EFT), Prague, CZE (28 hrs)

  • 2016 Postgradual training in Individual Emotion-Focused Therapy (L.Greenberg), level A, Prague College of Psychosocial studies in cooperation with Institute of Emotion-Focused Therapy, Ireland (25 hrs)

  • 2015 - 2016 Couple and Family therapy internship, University of Kentucky Family Center, Lexington, KY; (500+ hrs client contact hours, 100+ hrs group supervision, 100+ hrs individual supervision)

  • 2015 Trauma-Informed Art and Play Therapy with Children and Adolescents, Kentucky Association for Play Therapy (KAPT), Louisville, KY (12 hrs)​

  • 2014 Crisis Intervention I (License number: 2013/0987-SP/VP), Riaps, Prague, CZE (54 hrs)


Czech Association for Psychotherapy (CAP) 

I work under regular supervision. 

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About therapy

Therapy is a process based on a collaborative relationship between you, the partner/family members who are coming to therapy with you, and me as your therapist. My aim is to help you clarify what brings you to therapy and set appropriate goals for the changes you want to make in your life. While a therapist has the knowledge and skills to facilitate the therapeutic process, you will make the decisions about what changes you need in your life.

The purpose of therapy is to improve the quality of your relationships and your individual well-being by facilitating a therapeutic process that enables you to explore different options for your life.

Duration and Scope:  The length of the therapy process generally depends on the nature of the problem and client´s needs. The specific duration and scope of your therapy will be tailored to your presenting problems and goals established within the first several sessions.  

Research indicates that most people who receive therapy benefit from therapy and do better than those who receive no services at all. Possible and potential benefits of therapy include but are not limited to:


  • Pain relief, symptom reduction.

  • Improved ability to interact in marital, family and their interpersonal relationships and decreased frequency and intensity of interpersonal conflicts.

  • Greater understanding of family and personal goals and values.

  • Improved ability to handle stress and become more resistant to unfavorable life circumstances.

  • An increased awareness of patterns of personal interaction.

  • Enhancement of the relationships with significant others.

  • Increased overall well-being and life satisfaction.

  • Change in behavior or lifestyle.

While I am optimistic that you will benefit from therapy, I cannot guarantee any particular results or outcomes from therapy.

There are also potential risks associated with therapy: The process of therapy can feel at times as hard, uncomfortable work. This is because the focus of therapy is on painful feelings, experiences, relationships and other life stressors.

The risks associated with therapy include but are not limited to:

  • Feeling worse before you feel better. This is a natural by-product of talking about or working on problems that may have been avoided in the past. Similarly, practicing new ways of relating to others may feel uncomfortable because they are unfamiliar.

  • Making decisions that temporarily increase levels of stress or feelings of discomfort that affect you and your relationships.

  • Therapy can make relationships worse. Research suggests that when one spouse or partner meets alone with a therapist to discuss problems in the relationship, the person in therapy may be helped but the risk of separation in the relationship increases. That is why it is highly recommended for both partners to attend the therapy sessions together.

The risks involved with therapy are temporary but if you feel you are getting worse instead of better, please discuss this with me.


Individual therapy

1000 CZE / 50 min
1300 CZE / 80 min

Couple therapy

1200 CZE / 50 min
1500 CZE / 80 min

Family therapy

1200 CZE / 50 min
1500 CZE / 80 min

*The price list applies to online sessions only.

You can now claim a partial reimbursement of the cost associated with therapy. Please check with your insurance provider. If you are insured by VZP, please follow the instructions.

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Cancellation policy

Sessions must be cancelled at least 48 hours prior to the appointment.

Otherwise 50% of the session price will be charged with upcoming session's fee.

Privacy policy

Data processing agreement


Dyadic Adjustment Scale

Couple Satisfaction Checklist

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Schedule a Session

+420 774 588 717

White Chair

ONLINE sessions available as per

listed price list.

ON-SITE sessions available as per

MD Cure price list and conditions.

Please check with me for capacity first.

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Limitations of services

In case of Emergency: Please note that this is not a crisis or emergency service facility and services are provided by appointment only. I do not maintain on-call or after-hours services. If you are in crisis, especially if you are thinking about hurting yourself or someone else, please call 112 or visit local hospital emergency room as soon as possible (you can refer to contact list bellow).

Alcohol & Drug Abuse /Domestic Violence: Please note that court-ordered domestic violence treatment and formal drug and alcohol treatment both require a specific certified training, which is beyond my training. I can only provide couple and family therapy to address the impact of drugs and alcohol on family relationships.

Adhering to appropriate levels of care when treating Eating Disorders: I reserve the right to discontinue therapy with clients in advanced or life-threatening phases of eating disorders and choose to refer them to higher levels of care and possibly hospitalization, as it was found that talk therapy is not efficient in cases of severe malnourishment. The priority in such cases is shifted to re-feeding and restoring healthy body weight before commencing talk therapy.

Legal Proceedings: If you are seeking therapy to bolster your case in a legal dispute, you may be better served by licensed providers who specialize in court and custody assessments. Please note that I do not provide custody evaluations.

  • Canadian Medical Care 235-36-01-33; 724-30-03-01 (after-hours emergency)


  • UNICARE 224-220-040; 608-10-30-50 Emergency; 602-20-10-40 (Emergency English); 608-10-30-40 (Emergency German)

  • RIAPS Crisis Center: (24 hour psychiatric emergency center; Chlcickeho 39, P-3) 222-580-697 (Crisis line, 24 hours)

  • BOHNICE Hospital (Prague, Nemocnice Bohnice) a specialized psychiatric hospital with an emergency service, the telephone operators speak Czech only, but some doctors speak English. General operator: 296-569-111; Crisis line 284-016-666

  • Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice v Praze - VFN  (including psychiatric and adictology clinic)
    U Nemocnice 1, 128 08  P-2 areál B, pavilon - B1 (budova III. interní kliniky VFN a 1. LF UK) phone: 224-962-928


  • MOTOL Hospital (Prague, Nemocnice Motol, V Uvalu, 84 P-5)
    224-431-111; 234-433-681 (24 hour emergency service, reception for foreigners, very good for emergencies, NO psychiatric department)

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